The topic of this post has been going around BookTube and Book blogs a lot and I decided to take part in making a TBR jar.
I'm not sure yet how this will turn out, because I've made seasonal TBR's a couple of times now and:
A) I'm always extremely ambitious (the only time of the year I'm able to read 10 books in a single month is during the summer holidays).
B) I tend to read books that aren't on my TBR list.
C) Every time I end up moving some of the books to my next TBR list.
I went ahead and bought two cute jars - a bigger and a smaller one.
(Don't worry, those aren't real candles standing next to my books! Well, the one on the right is but I would never light it!!)
The bigger of the two jars contains my general TBR.
It might not seem to contain that many pieces of paper, but I've only added the first books in the series I own or the book I have to read wherever I'm at in the series.
When I've read a book in a series, I'll add the next one in the series.
The smaller jar (I know it doesn't look like this one is smaller, but that is due to my crappy photography skills) contains my seasonal TBR.
I'm going to change the content of this jar when I make my new TBR.
I still need to pimp my jars, but I'm not sure what I want to do with them yet. Once I've done that, I'll add some pictures to this post.
I'm not sure how this will go, but we'll see. I have decided I won't force myself to read a book I don't feel like reading it at that time. I don't want to put myself into a reading slump. So if I don't feel like reading that particular book, I'll just put the paper back into the jar. (I promise I won't do that endlessly :-) ) I'm also not going to be using my TBR jar if I want to marathon a series or if I already know what I want to read. Like I said, I'm not sure how this will go :-s
Do you use a TBR jar and does it help with your TBR pile? Let me know in the comments.
Bye for now
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